Frequently Asked Questions: Shallow well jet pump
How can I determine which style pump I am
One pipe between water source and pump
indicates a shallow well pump, two pipes a deep
well pump.
What’s the difference between a “shallow” and
“convertible” well jet pump?
A shallow well jet pump can pump water from 0’ to
25’ deep. A convertible well jet pumps water from
0’-90’ deep.A convertible well jet pump can
operate between 0’ to 25’ with a shallow jet well
nozzle or between 25’ to 90’ deep with an ejector
What’s the difference between “deep well” jet
pumps and “convertible” jet pumps?
We call both with no difference. We use the two
terms interchangeably.They are often called
convertible because they can be set up as either
shallow or deep “converted’ between the two. In
a shallow well setup an ejector kit is bolted to the
nose of the pump. For deep well the kit is put down
the well.
Is it possible for my depth-to-water to change?
Yes. Some wells can be affected by drought
conditions or periods of excessive rains. The
normal depth-to-water can change in such cases.
Also, some wells are low-producing. This means
that the ground water comes in and fills the well
slowly. When your pump pulls water out of the well,
it’s possible that it is pulling water out faster than
the ground is putting it in. In such cases, the
depth-to-water will drop while the pump is pulling
water out. If the water surface falls more than 25’
down in such conditions, it is possible that a
shallow well pump will not be able to pull the water
up. It’s also possible that when the level drops, it
may drop below your pump’s suction pipe. If this
happens, it is possible that the pump could lose
Can I use a jet pump to pull water out of a well,
lake, or river for my sprinkler system?
Yes. Jet pumps make excellent pumps for small
sprinkler systems. You will need to choose a pump
that will put out about the same amount of water as
your sprinkler system requires.
What size or horsepower of pump do I need?
In general, higher horsepower pumps put out more

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