Quick Start Guide

Attaching Tags Quickstart Guide
The purpose of this document is to detail the necessary steps and key points for fitting of Datamars
activity monitoring collar tags and ear tags.
Products covered
Tru-Test Activity Monitoring Collar Tag
Tru-Test Activity Monitoring Ear Tag
Tools required
There are no tools required to fit collar tags.
Ears tags require the following tools:
Z2 no tear tagger™
Z2 male tag (one per ear tag to be attached)
ing solution
such as Nolvasan, Vetericyn or an iodine solution.
Risk Management
Extreme care and caution must be exercised when attaching tags and collars to cows.
Use two people to attach tags and collars and utilise appropriate equipment and locations while attaching
to minise risk to people and animals, e.g. head bails, treatments stalls.

Summary of content (9 pages)