User manual - PX760_860_AP260_460_MIDI_E

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Receive Receipt changes Pitch Bend Sensitivity.
8.21.2 Fine Tune
Message Format: BnH 64H 01H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H llH
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value MSB
ll: Value LSB
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Receive Receipt changes Channel Fine Tune.
8.21.3 Coarse Tune
Message Format: BnH 64H 02H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value
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Receive Receipt changes Channel Coarse Tune.
8.21.4 Modulation Depth
Message Format: BnH 64H 05H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value
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Receive Receipt changes the Vibrato Mo dulation Depth for the tone that is currently selected by the
applicable part.
8.21.5 Null
Message Format: BnH 64H 7FH 65H 7F
n: MIDI Channel Number