User manual

Tip #1: Master Input Gain
The default master gain for the unit is set at 50%. This is very inadequate for most basses.
The built-in tuner will work poorly and the amp models will be gain-starved if this problem is not
If you use passive pups or if you have relatively low-output active tone controls then fix this
To set the master input gain, enter CONFIG mode, hold TAP and turn GAIN knob all the way up: Low
= -6 dB, Mid = 0 dB, High = +12 dB
Your basses (like mine) may be ones that require a +12 dB boost in order to adequately feed a signal to
the unit.
Tip #2: Operating Modes
Like any modeling pre/amp, the Bass V-AMP must be configured to output the best signal for use with
your other gear.
By default, most are set to connect straight into a mixer/recorder and unfortunately, most people connect
them to some type of real bass/guitar amp, never change the operating mode, and then they are quick to
proclaim that, "Modeling devices sound horrible! Nothing compares to a real amp!"
My Bass V-AMP is set to "Live 3" (L3), where cabinet simulation is off (because I'm using a real cab)
and the XLR DI jacks output Behringer's ULTRA-G cabinet simulator, which is actually quite good.
Unlike other modelers, like Line 6 Pod X3, the Bass V-AMP totally removes cabinet selection
functionality from the user when it is set to L2 or L3, which I think is how it should be.
The Bass V-AMP has six powerful operating modes, all worth exploring or reading about.
But which ever you choose, use the right one for your setup else it will really sound horrible, and you,
too, will hate modelers! :-)

Summary of content (10 pages)