Recording Equipment User Manual

Ultimate Bass Synthesizer Eects Pedal
Thank you for showing your condence in us by purchasing the BEHRINGER BASS SYNTHESIZER BSY600.
This high-quality eects pedal reproduces the fat and powerful sound of classic analog synthesizers—
at the touch of a footswitch.
1. Controls
(1) The DIRECT control adjusts the level of the
direct, unaected signal.
(2) The EFFECT control adjusts the level of the
synthesizer eect signal.
(3) The RES(onance) control adjusts the
strength of the low-pass lter frequency
peak (see below).
(4) The FREQ(uency) control adjusts the
low-pass/allpass lter frequency which
cuts the high-frequencies and therefore
determines the upper and lower limit of the
frequency range the lter moves along.
(5) The DECAY/RATE control has 2 dierent
functions. Depending on the MODE switch
position (see below) it adjusts either the
LFO speed that modulates the amplitude
of the lter frequency (RATE: mode 3 and
6 only) or sets the time over which the lter
frequency moves (DECAY). When the decay time is set to MAX, the cut-o lter frequency is xed.
(6) Use the MODE switch to dial up one of 11 synthesizer modes with 4 dierent waveforms.
1. SAW (sawtooth wave that produces sharp-edged sound)
2. SAW (sawtooth wave one octave lower than mode 1)
3. SAW (sawtooth wave with automatic lter frequency shifting)
4. SQUARE (square wave that produces milder sound than the sawtooth modes)
5. SQUARE (similar to mode 4 with additional square wave one octave below)
6. SQUARE (square wave with automatic lter frequency shifting)
7. PULSE (pulse wave that produces sharp-edged sound dierent from sawtooth modes)
8. PULSE (pulse wave with all-pass lter for more depth and motion)
9. PULSE (pulse wave with pulse width modulation for fat, spre ading sound)
10. WAVE (input signal is directly transformed to a synthesizer sound. Filter rises when string is
played and returns gradually)
11. WAVE (similar to mode 10, but lter drops when string is played and returns gradually)
(7) The ON/BATT LED illuminates when the eect is activated and ashes when the PITCH HOLD
function is active (see below). It also serves as a battery level indicator.
(8) Use the footswitch to activate/deactivate the eect. Keeping the footswitch depressed will
activate the PITCH HOLD function (modes 1 - 9 only) that causes the unit to output the eect
signal continuously, even if the bass is not played at this moment (ON/BATT LED ashes). You can
also play the bass while keeping the footswitch pressed and mix the continuously output eect
signal with the direct bass signal. Release the footswitch to deactivate this function.
(9) Use this ¼" TS IN connector to plug in the instrument cable.
(10) The two ¼" TS OUT and DIR OUT connectors send the signal to your amp. Use both connectors if
you want to separate the unprocessed input signal (> DIR OUT) and the synthesized signal (> OUT).
To mix both signals together use OUT only.

Summary of content (2 pages)