Installation Instructions

C.A.R.E.L. Command Center
Model SRX
The Badge Messenger System:
Warnings and Notices.
The Badge Messenger system is designed to support your current Crisis
Management and Safety protocol. As such, if the use of public address
systems is currently part of your Crisis protocol, you should continue to
use it in conjunction with the Badge Messenger system. Each Messenger
has both a haptic feedback (vibrator motor), and a high-brightness LED as
sensory alerts. These however are not always enough and the reliance on
these alone for notification should not be part of the emergency protocol.
The Messenger is designed to transmit and receive with a minimum of
auditory disruption for the normal classroom yet be easily felt and heard
with repeated haptic stimulation. With usage, the associated protocol can
be adapted to take advantage of the operation of the Messenger.

Summary of content (12 pages)