User Manual

Users manual
Appearance and Buttons
ATTO Digital cannot be held responsible for any use of the TileRec Voice Recorder
without the necessary permission(s) needed for recording. The user is directly
responsible for researching and obeying the applicable laws. Please check the local
laws applicable in your area. Regardless of whether state or federal law governs the
situation, it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to
which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not
naturally overhea
naturally overhear. ATTO Digital cant be held liable for any loss or damage of whatever
nature (direct, indirect, consequential, or other) which may arise as a result of a
persons use of (or inability to use) our products.
Lanyards Hole
REC Button
Voice Activated Recorder

Summary of content (6 pages)