
Adobe Aer Eects CS6 What’s New
You have creative visions for what you want to deliver. You also have deadlines.
Adobe After Effects CS6 software works with you to meet both goals. Deliver cinematic
visual effects and sophisticated motion graphics using the industry standard for
animation and compositing that offers you complete creative control while delivering
unparalleled performance.
After Effects CS6 takes performance to a new level with Global Performance Cache, which maximizes
your productivity by saving virtually every preview for instant recall, meaning less waiting for After
Effects to catch up. It works as fast as you do. Create and work with extruded text and shapes directly
in After Effects, using the new ray-traced 3D rendering engine for a polished final look. Master a wide
variety of challenges and extend your creativity with new tools such as variable mask feathering, 3D
Camera Tracker, Rolling Shutter Repair, and more high-quality built-in effects to make your final product
look the way you intend. Enhanced integration between After Effects CS6 and other Adobe tools makes
your workflow even faster and more fluid than ever before.
Aer Eects
Create moving images as unlimited as your imagination
All source images © 2010-2011 Mael, Inc. All rights reserved.
e ray-traced 3D rendering engine in Aer Eects CS6 supports reections, refraction, environment maps, and much more.

Summary of content (11 pages)